Introducing Element 26’s
IsoComp Gymnastic Hand Grips
When designing the newest IsoComp hand grips, we took a few steps back and thought about what a grip NEEDS to do.

The first thing a grip needs is strength. Being strong enough to protect your hand from repetitive friction and high repetitions is a must. Without this, there’s no sense in making a grip.
To make the IsoComp grips super resilient, we added a layer of kevlar to the backside of the grip. Nothing is getting through kevlar. And the way it’s gently woven together makes it more forgiving on those soft palms.
The second thing a grip needs is versatility. This allows sufficient turnover on the bar/rings and keeps them from getting in the way of other movements.
With the kevlar backing, we were able to reduce the overall thickness of the IsoComp grips compared to our original IsoGrips. This allows little to know break-in time and creates faster transitions between exercises.

The third thing a grip needs to do is actually help you grip the bar. Some grips can protect you all day but are just too slippery on the bar.
Using a unique rubber blend with embedded tractional grooves, we were able to develop a grip that not only sticks a plain steel bar without chalk, but it functions extremely well with chalk as well. This will help keep you on the bar longer without excessively taxing your valuable hand/forearm strength.
How durable are the new IsoComp Grips?
The biggest worry when using grips is their longevity and resiliency.
Most grips break down in a matter of a couple months… some within weeks!
So at Element 26 we made grip durability a priority. No cheaping out here…

The yellow material you see on the palm side, that’s Kevlar. Literally the material bullet proof vests are made out of.
And the way the Kevlar is woven makes it comfortable on the hands. Some Kevlars can irritate the soft skin on the palms.

The buckle you see in the picture is a stainless steel buckle. So when you’re deep into a WOD and you begin to hang on the bar, that clip won’t break on you like so many other grip buckles will.

Then looking at the bottom of the grip, the neoprene strap (which is added for sweat absorption and wrist comfortability), is stitched 4x through to offer maximum support. The more stitching, the more strength.

3 months WARRANTY
Your safety and performance at the gym are always of the highest priority.
At Element 26, we believe that it’s the quality of the product that makes a long-lasting impression on our customers.
That’s why we’re offering three months of warranty on our hand grips, to ensure that the equipment you receive is never faulty and that you continue to be satisfied with your training experience!